Christliche Liederdatenbank    

Birthday carol (Rejoice today with one accord)

1) Rejoice today with one accord, Alleluia,
This is the birthday of our Lord, Alleluia.

Ref.: Gloria, Gloria in excelsis,
Gloria, Gloria Deo!

2) Shepherds abiding in the field, Alleluia,
To them God’s glory was reveal’d, Alleluia.

3) And to the shepherds sore afraid, Alleluia,
An angel said, 'Be not dismayed,’ Alleluia.

4) 'Tidings of joy to you I bring,’ Alleluia,
'Today is born a heav’nly King.’ Alleluia.

5) 'And ye shall find in manger laid,’ Alleluia,
'The Babe in swaddling clothes arrayed.’ Alleluia.

6) A host of angels fill’d the sky, Alleluia,
Thus singing praise to God on high: Alleluia.

7) Now join we all the angel-throng, Alleluia.
And let our voices swell the song: Alleluia.


Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

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100 Carols for Choirs 68  Amazon
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