Christliche Liederdatenbank    

Children of Jerusalem (Children's Praise)

1) Children of Jerusalem
Sang the praise of Jesus' name
Children too of modern days
Join to sing the Saviour's praise

Ref: Hark hark hark while children's voices sing
Hark hark hark while children's voices sing
Loud hosannas loud hosannas
Loud hosannas to our King

2) We are taught to love the Lord
We are taught to read His word
We are taught the way to Heaven
Praise for all to God be given

3) Parents teachers old and young
All unite to swell the song
Higher and yet higher rise
Till hosannas reach the skies

Melodie: (1842)
CCLI-Nr.: 522879

Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
Complete Mission Praise 70  Amazon
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