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Dona, dona (Dos Kelbl)

1) On a wagon bound for market
There's a calf with a mournful eye
High above him there's a swallow
Winging swiftly through the sky

Ref.: How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all the their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer's night
Donna Donna Donna Donna
Donna Donna Donna Don
Donna Donna Donna Donna
Donna Donna Donna Don

2) "Stop complaining", said the farmer
Who told you a calf to be
Why don't you have wings to fly with
Like the swallow so proud and free

3) Calves are easily bound and slaughtered
Never knowing the reason why
But whoever treasures freedom
Like the swallow has learned to fly

"Donaj, Donaj", ist jiddisch und bedeutet "mein Gott, mein Gott". Der Autor des jiddischen Originaltextes, Aaron Zeitlin, wurde 1944 in Auschwitz ermordet.
Text: (1940), (1940)
Melodie: ,

Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
Durch Hohes und Tiefes 410  Amazon
Klangfarben 26  Amazon
Alive 81  Amazon
Mein Liederbuch 9  Amazon
Du, lass Dich nicht verhärten 125  Amazon
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