Christliche Liederdatenbank    

Ezekiel saw de wheel

Ref.: Ezek’el saw de wheel
’Way up in de middle o’ de air,
Ezek’el saw de wheel
’Way in de middle o’ de air.
De big wheel run by faith,
De little wheel run by de Grace o’ God,
A wheel in a wheel -
’Way in de middle o’ de air.

1) Better mind, my sister,
how you walk on de cross,
’Way in de middle o’ de air.
Your foot might slip an’ your soul be lost.
’Way in de middle o’ de air.

2) Let me tell you, brother,
what a sinner will do,
’Way in de middle o’ de air.
He’ll step on you an’ he’ll step on me.
’Way in de middle o’ de air.

CCLI-Nr.: 534520

Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
Feel the Spirit Volume 1 75  Amazon
The Oxford Book of Spirituals 37  Amazon
Songs junger Christen 173  Amazon
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