Christliche Liederdatenbank    

Give me Jesus (In the morning)

1) In the morning when I rise,
in the morning when I rise,
in the morning when I rise,
give me Jesus.

Ref.: Give me Jesus,
give me Jesus,
you may have all this world;
give me Jesus.

2) Dark midnight was my cry,
dark midnight way my cry,
dark midnight was my cry,
give me Jesus.

3) Just about the break of day,
just about the break of day,
just about the break of day,
give me Jesus.

4) Oh, when I come to die,
oh, when I come to die,
oh, when I come to die,
give me Jesus.


Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
Feel the Spirit Volume 2 30  Amazon
The Ultimate Gospel Choir Book 2 46  Amazon
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