Christliche Liederdatenbank    

Go where I send thee

1) Children go where I send thee,
How shall I send thee?
Well, I'm gonna send thee one by one
One for the little bitty baby
Who was born, born, born in Bethlehem

2) Children go where I send thee,
How shall I send thee?
Hey, I'm gonna send thee two by two
Two for Paul and Silas
One for the itty bitty baby
Who was born, born, born in Bethlehem.

3) Children go where I send thee,
How shall I send thee?
I'm gonna send thee three by three
Three for the Hebrew children
Two for Paul and Silas
One for the itty bitty baby
Who was born, born, born in Bethlehem.

4) Children go where I send thee,
How shall I send thee?
I'm gonna send thee four by four
Four for the four that stood at the door
Three for the Hebrew children
Two for Paul and Silas
One for the itty bitty baby
Who was born, born, born in Bethlehem.

5) Children go where I send thee,
How shall I send thee?
I'm gonna send thee five by five
Five for the five that stayed alive
Four for the four that stood at the door
Three for the Hebrew children
Two for Paul and Silas
One for the itty bitty baby
Who was born, born, born in Bethlehem.


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