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He is King of Kings

Ref.: He is King of kings;
he is Lord of lords,
Jesus Christ, the first and last,
no one works like him.
O he is King of kings;
he is Lord of lords,
Jesus Christ, the first and last,
no one works like him.

1) He built his throne up in the air;
no one works like him;
and called his saints from everywhere;
no one works like him.
O he is King of kings;
he is Lord of lords,
Jesus Christ, the first and last,
no one works like him.

2) He pitched his tents on Canaan ground;
no one works like him;
and broke oppressive kingdoms down;
no one works like him.
O he is King of kings;
he is Lord of lords,
Jesus Christ, the first and last,
no one works like him.

3) I know that my Redeemer lives;
no one works like him;
and by his love sweet blessing gives;
no one works like him.
O he is King of kings;
he is Lord of lords,
Jesus Christ, the first and last,
no one works like him.


Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
Selection 30  Amazon
The Ultimate Gospel Choir Book 2 43  Amazon
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