Christliche Liederdatenbank    

He's alive! He's alive!

Ref.: He's alive! He's alive! My Lord is alive.
I saw Him, I talked with Him. He is alive!
He's alive! He's alive! My Lord is alive.
Come ev'rybody sing with me: He is alive!

They killed Him. I saw Him dead.
Without Him, my life was sad.
But when I heard Him talking to me
I turned around and I could see: - He's alive...
He is a-live! Ev' rybody come! He is alive! Ev'rybody sing!

Coda: Ev'rybody has to hear it: He is alive! (2x)
Ev'ryone on earth must know that Jesus is a-live!
He is alive!

Deutsche Übersetzung: Dass er lebt, dass er lebt
Text: (2000)
Melodie: (2000)

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Feiert Jesus! 2 239  SCM  Amazon
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