Christliche Liederdatenbank    

I love to hear the story

1) I love to hear the story
which angel voices tell,
how once the King of Glory
came down on earth to dwell.
I am both weak and sinful,
but this I surely know,
the Lord came down to save me,
because He loved me so.

2) I’m glad my blessèd Saviour
was once a child like me,
to show how pure and holy
His little ones might be;
and, if I try to follow
His footsteps here below,
He never will forget me,
because He loves me so.

3) To sing His love and mercy
my sweetest songs I’ll raise;
and, though I cannot see Him,
I know He hears my praise;
For He has kindly promised
that even I may go
to sing among His angels,
because He loves me so.

Text: (1867)
CCLI-Nr.: 2779702

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