Christliche Liederdatenbank    

I rejoice, I rejoice (The world comes in my heart)

Ref.: I rejoice, I rejoice and open up my heart
for the Lord and His love. The world is on His heart.
I rejoice, I rejoice the world comes in my heart.
It's the world that God loves. And He gives me a part.

1) The world that He made, the world that he loves
so much that He gave His begotten son.

2) The world that is dark, the world that is lost
without salvation from the mighty God.

3) The world in despair, the world without hope
and nations waiting for the love of God.

Text: (2000)
Melodie: (2000)

Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

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Feiert Jesus! 2 86  SCM  Amazon
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