Christliche Liederdatenbank    

I saw raindrops on my window

1) I saw raindrops on my window, Joy is like the rain.
Laughter runs across my pane,
slips away and comes again. Joy is like the rain.

2) I saw clouds upon a mountain, Joy is like a cloud.
Sometimes silver, sometimes grey,
always sun not far away. Joy is like a cloud.

3) I saw Christ in wind and thunder, Joy is tried by storm.
Christ asleep within my boat,
whipped by wind yet still afloat, Joy is tried by storm.

4) I saw raindrops on the river, Joy is like the rain.
Bit by bit the river grows,
’Til all at once it overflows. Joy is like the rain.

Deutsche Übersetzung: Ich sah Menschen weinen, lachen

Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

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Songs junger Christen 2 177  Amazon
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