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It is a happy beginning with You, my Lord

Ref.: It is a happy beginning with You, my Lord.
You make a happy beginning with me today.
And all the old things I leave behind,
for I'll be walking on Your way.

1) I search for You 'couse You have
always been searching for me.
I open up the door for You
and that certainly will be:
O happy beginning!

2) When I confess my sins
and no longer hide them with me.
and when You Lord, forgive me
then it is really gonna be:
O happy beginning!

3) When You are telling me
about my life how it should be
and when I understand the plan
You've been working out for me:
O happy beginning!

4) When my last day on earth comes
near and when there I will see
Your glory and Your power,
Lord, then it finally will be:
O happy beginning!

Deutsche Übersetzung: Es ist ein glücklicher Anfang
Text: (1993)
Melodie: (1993)
CCLI-Nr.: 4332910

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