Christliche Liederdatenbank    

Leaning on the Lord's side (Whose side are you leaning on)

1) Whose side are you leaning on?
Leaning on the Lord's side!
Leaning on the Lord's side!
I lean, I lean, I lean, I lean,
leaning on the Lords's side!
I leaning on the Lord's side!

2) Whose side are you jumping on?
Jumping on the Lord's side!
Jumping on the Lord's side!
I jump, I jump, I jump, I jump,
jumping on the Lords's side!
​I jumping on the Lord's side!

3) Whose side are you stamping on?
Stamping on the Lord's side!
Stamping on the Lord's side!
I stamp, I stamp, I stamp, I stamp,
stamping on the Lords's side!
​I stamping on the Lord's side!

4) Whose side are you swimming on?
Swimming on the Lord's side!
Swimming on the Lord's side!
I swim, I swim, I swim, I swim,
swimming on the Lord's side!
Swimming on the Lord's side!

5) Whose side are you sitting on?
Sitting on the Lord's side!
Sitting on the Lord's side!
I sit, I sit, I sit, I sit,
sitting on the Lord's side!
Sitting on the Lord's side!

6) Whose side are you singing on?
Singing on the Lord's side!
Singing on the Lord's side!
I sing, I sing, I sing, I sing,
singing on the Lord's side!
Singing on the Lord's side!

Deutsche Übersetzung: Für welche Seite singst du denn

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SoLaLi 2 109  Amazon
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