Christliche Liederdatenbank    

Oh, You Got Jesus (One More River To Cross)

1) Oh, you got Jesus, hold him fast, one more river to corss.
Oh, better love was never told, one more river to cross.
Oh, you got Jesus, hold him fast, one more river to corss.
Oh, better love was never told, one more river to cross.
Oh, wasn't that a wide river, river of Jordan, Lord, wide river,
there's one mor river to cross. Oh, wasn't that a cross.

2) Oh good old chariot passing by, one more river to cross.
She jarred the earth and shook the sky, one more river to cross.
The good old chariot passing by, one more river to cross.
She jarred the earth and shook the sky, one more river to cross.
Oh, wasn't that a wide river, river of Jordan, Lord, wide river,
there's one mor river to cross. Oh, wasn't that a cross.


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