Christliche Liederdatenbank    

Precious Memories

1) Precious mem'ries, unseen angels,
Sent from somewhere to my soul;
How they linger, ever near me,
And the sacred past unfold.

Ref.: Precious mem'ries, how they linger,
How they ever flood my soul;
In the stillness of the midnight,
Precious, sacred scenes unfold.

2) Precious father, loving mother,
Fly across the lonely years;
And old home scenes of my childhood,
In fond memory appear.

3) As I travel on life's pathway,
Know not what the years may hold;
As I ponder, hope grows fonder,
Precious mem'ries flood my soul.

Text: (1925)
Melodie: (1925)
CCLI-Nr.: 6437820

Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

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The Best Gospel Songs Ever 146  Amazon
The Big Book of Gospel Songs 170  Amazon
Great Hymns Treasury 98  Amazon
Ultimate Gospel 192  Amazon
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