Christliche Liederdatenbank    

Roll, Jordan roll

Ref.: Roll, Jordan roll, roll, Jordan roll,
I want to go to heaven, when I die,
just to hear sweet Jordan roll.

1) Brother you ought to have been there,
o yes Lord, a sitting in the kingdom,
to hear sweet Jordan roll.

2) Sister you ought to have been there,
o yes Lord, a sitting in the kingdom,
to hear sweet Jordan roll.

3) Mother you ought to have been there,
o yes Lord, a sitting in the kingdom,
to hear sweet Jordan roll.

CCLI-Nr.: 5611836

Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
Best of Spirituals & Gospels 84  Amazon
The Ultimate Gospel Choir Book 1 4  Amazon
Songs junger Christen 175  Amazon
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