Christliche Liederdatenbank    

The Angel Rolled The Stone Away

Ref.: The angel rolled the stone away;
The angel rolled the stone away,
'twas on a bright and shiny morn
when the trumpet began to sound.
The angel rolled the stone away.

1) Sister Mary came a-running,
at the break of day,
brought the news from heaven,
the stone have rolled away.

2) I'm a-looking for my Savior,
tell me where he lay.
High upon the mountain,
the stone have rolled away.

3) The soldiers there a-plenty,
stranding by the door,
but they could not hinder
the stone have rolled away.

4) Old Pilate and his wise men
didn't know what to say,
the miracle was on them,
the stone have rolled away.


Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
Mein neues Gospelliederbuch 72  Amazon
Best of Spirituals & Gospels 96  Amazon
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