Christliche Liederdatenbank    

Thine is the glory (Maccabaeus)

1) Thine is the glory, Resurrected One!
Endless is the victr’y now for us begun!
Angels clothed in glory rolled the stone away,
leaving only graveclothes where his body lay.

Ref.: Thine is the glory, Resurrected One!
Endless is the victr'y now for us begun!

2) Lo! Jesus meets us. Risen from the tomb,
lovingly he greets us, scatters fear and gloom.
Let our doubting spirits find a voice to sing:
Christ who died is living; death has lost its sting.

3) Thine was the suff’ring, mine the endless life.
Sin holds no dominion; love wins over strife.
What then shall I shall I offer? Songs that never cease!
Thou hast won the vict’ry, glorious Prince of Peace!

CCLI-Nr.: 7111953

Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

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Complete Mission Praise 689  Amazon
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