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Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace

1) Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on thee.

2) Marvel not that I say unto you,
marvel not that I say unto you,
marvel not that I say unto you,
"You must be born again."

3) Tho' your sins as scarlet be,
tho' your sins as scarlet be,
tho' your sins as scarlet be,
they shall be white as snow.

4) If the Son shall make you free,
if the Son shall make you free,
if the Son shall make you free,
you shall be free indeed.

5) They that wait upon the Lord,
they that wait upon the Lord,
they that wait upon the Lord,
they shall renew their strength.

Bibelstelle: Jesaja 26,3

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