10 Lieder von Lex Loizides

Liedtitel Was Jahr Text MP3
Be still and know Text & Melodie 1995
Every place (As we see the world) Text & Melodie 1996
How can I resist (This is for me) Text & Melodie 2006
I have His word Text & Melodie 2000
I love the God of heaven Text & Melodie 1997
It Is The Church (I Have Seen A Mystery) Text & Melodie 2003
O God of burning, cleansing flame (Send the fire) nur Melodie 1994 Text ist verfügbar
Save the lost (Soldiers of our God, arise) Text & Melodie 1998
The heavens, they preach Text & Melodie 1997
We stand together Text & Melodie 1996