Christliche Liederdatenbank    

Healing God, almighty Father (Hyfrydol)

1) Healing God Almighty Father
Active throughout history
Ever saving guiding working
For Your children to be free
Shepherd King inspiring prophets
To foresee Your suffering role
Lord we raise our prayers and voices
Make us one and make us whole

2) Healing Christ God's Word incarnate
Reconciling each to all
God's atonement dying for us
His full rescue from our Fall
Jesus Saviour Healer Victor
Drawing out for us death's sting
Lord we bow our hearts in worship
And united praises bring

3) Healing Spirit Christ-anointing
Raising to new life in Him
Help to poor release to captives
Cure of body health within
Life-renewing and empowering
Christ-like service to the lost
Lord we pray 'Renew Your wonders
As of a New Pentecost'

4) Healing Church called-out and chosen
To enlarge God's kingdom here
Lord-obeying Spirit strengthened
To bring God's salvation near
For creation's reconciling
Gifts of love in us release
Father Son and Holy Spirit
Make us instruments of peace

CCLI-Nr.: 7025163

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