Christliche Liederdatenbank    

Heaven Is So High

Heaven is so high you can't get over it,
so low, you can't get under it,
so wide, you can't get around it;
you must come in at the door.

1) You might as well just make up your mind.
You must come in at the door.
Brother sooner or later you're bound to find,
you must come in at the door.

2) There's only one path that takes you there,
It leads right up to the door.
It's narrow and straight but it's free from care,
You must come in at the door.

3) If you geht there before I do,
You must come in at the door.
Don't worry, don't wait, I'm coming, too,
You must come in at the door.

4) You'll find it's always open wide,
You must come in at the door.
So, brother, don't stop till you're inside,
You must come in at the door.


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