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I would be true

1) I would be true
For there are those who trust me
I would be pure
For there are those who care
I would be strong
For there is much to suffer
I would be brave
For there is much to dare
I would be brave
For there is much to dare

2) I would be friend of all
The foe the friendless
I would be giving
And forget the gift
I would be humble
For I know my weakness
I would look up and laugh
And love and lift
I would look up and laugh
And love and lift

3) I would be learning
Day by day the lessons
My heav'nly Father
Gives me in His Word
I would be quick to hear
His lightest whisper
And prompt and glad to do
The things I've heard
And prompt and glad to do
The things I've heard

4) I would be prayerful
Through each busy moment
I would be constantly
In touch with God
I would be tuned to hear
His slightest whisper
I would have faith
To keep the path Christ trod
I would have faith
To keep the path Christ trod

CCLI-Nr.: 2648170

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