Christliche Liederdatenbank    

O little one sweet

1) O little one sweet, O little one mild,
thy Father's purpose thou hast fulfilled;
thou cam'st from heav'n to dwell below,
To share the joys and tears we know,
O little one sweet, O little one mild.

2) O little one sweet, O little one mild,
with joy thou hast the whole world filled;
thou camest here from heav'n's domain,
to bring men comfort in our pain,
O little one sweet, O little one mild.

3) O little one sweet, O little one mild.
in thee Love's beauties are all distilled;
then light in us thy love's bright flame,
that we may give thee back the same,
O little one sweet, O little one mild.


Den Liedtext und Noten findet man in folgenden Liederbüchern:

  Cover Nummer Noten
100 Carols for Choirs 56  Amazon
Carols for Choirs 1 25  Amazon
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