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Rise And Shine

1) Oh, rise and shine and give God the glory, glory,
rise and shine and give God the glory, glory.
Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory,
children of the Lord.

2) The Lord said: "Noah, there's gonna be a floody, floody."
Lord said: "Noah, there's gonna be a floody, floody."
Get your children out of the muddy, muddy,
children of the Lord.

3) So Noah, he went out and built an arky, arky,
Noah, he went out and built an arky, arky.
Made it out of hickory barky, barky,
children of the Lord.

4) The animals, they came and went in by twosy, twosy,
animals, they came and went in by twosy, twosy.
Elephants and kangoroosy, roosy,
children of the Lord.

5) It rained and rained for forty daysy, daysy,
rained and rained for forty daysy, daysy.
Drove those animals nearly crazy, crazy,
children of the Lord.


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