This child my Lord and savior is    

Ref.: This child my Lord and savior is.
This child who came from God.
The King of kings salvation brings,
A chance to heal the world.

1) There was a time the world was dark
From clouds of hate and fear.
Then came a light into our night
And shadows disappear’d.

2) Now I will sing like shepherds did
About that gift of God.
Come, let us praise, our voices raise
To sing of joy and hope.

3) This child my Lord by God was sent,
Was born to set us free.
With gifts of life, He sacrificed
From manger to a tree.


Das Lied "This child my Lord and savior is" ist in 1 Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
The Ultimate Gospel Choir Book 44  SCM  Amazon
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