Christliche Liederdatenbank    

Up! good Christen folk, and listen

Ref.: Ding-dong, ding: Ding-a-dong-a-ding.

1) Up! good christen folk, and listen
How the merry church bells ring,
And from steeple bid good people
Come adore the new-born King:

2) Tell the story how from glory
God came down at Christmas-tide,
Bringing gladness, chasing sadness,
Showering blessings far and wide,

3) Born of mother, blest o'er other,
Ex Maria Virgine,
In a stable ('tis no fable),
Christus natus hodie.

CCLI-Nr.: 3442296

Das Lied ist in folgenden Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
100 Carols for Choirs 93  Amazon
Carols for Choirs 1 44  Amazon
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